Grounded in Science

The accuracy and reliability of health data is essential. To ensure health experiences from Apple products are grounded in science, in-house clinicians are deeply involved in the product development process and work hand-in-hand with engineers and designers. Features are robustly validated in studies prior to release giving both users and researchers confidence in data quality. Detailed information on feature validation is available in the white papers below.

Apple Watch


Mobility Metrics

Double Support Time, Step Count, Step Length, Walking Asymmetry, and Walking Speed

Designed for Privacy

At Apple, we believe privacy is a fundamental human right. The Health app was designed with privacy at the core and puts users in complete control of their health data. Before any data is shared with a third-party app, including those for research studies, users first must consent to sharing each requested data type. You can learn more about Apple‘s approach to protecting health data in our privacy report